Side Pieces - 2021

I started on this last season by making the pattern, then taking it to Arizona for a winter project.
Here is the bare spot we need to fill. I did this before painting the ship the new black color. This is the pattern I made last year. Bottom kind of looks like a whale's tail.

Our friend Bonnie here on Eagle Roost gave me a plank of wood from an old 150 year old church pew. I set up outside to do the cutting. All cut out, now for sanding and fairing.
After working about 5 hours in 110 degree weather, here is the first coat of spar varnish. First Stab at installing one on the ship.
Here it is mounted. The hull curves at this location so I am radually tightening up the mounting bolts to get the wood to curve into the hull. After it fits the hull I will bury the nuts in the wood and plug them. Here is an inside shot. Once the wood curves in I will fair all the wood to the fiber glass, then add a railing over the top.
Port side, inside. Port side, outside.